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How Can Fluoride Help You?

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Fluoride treatments for children are commonplace. However, it is important that you continue to get enough fluoride throughout your life.

The first line of defense for a tooth is the enamel. Although it looks and feels smooth, it is actually made up of mineral crystals. Every day, your enamel loses and gains minerals. The plaque and bacteria produce acids which attack the crystals in your enamel. Your saliva, which contains calcium, phosphate and fluoride replenishes those minerals. The fluoride in your body is used by your saliva in that replacement process. Children in particular need fluoride as their bodies develop. However, adults also need fluoride throughout their lives. Some adults may be at a higher risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Adults are more likely to take medications that contribute to dry mouth. Additionally, as an adult’s gums recede, their become more susceptible to decay at the roots. Adults need fluoride if they have crowns, bridges, braces or have recently had fillings.

If your city adds fluoride to its water, and you use a toothpaste containing fluoride, chances are good that you and your family are getting enough. However, your dentist will be able to tell if you or your family needs fluoride treatments or supplements.

If you are concerned about your family getting enough fluoride, you should come in and see our dentist, Dr. Esperanza A. Rodriguez. The doctor can give you an exam, and make recommendations about fluoride treatments. If you live in the Bronx, New York, area, you can call 718-364-7791 to make an appointment at Esperanza A. Rodriguez, DDS. We look forward to seeing you soon.